Elicon is a large robot's arm, holding a camera head, used for special effects in cinema or video.
This type of robot is often call "motion control", and the Elicon belongs to the category of "Real Time, Motion Control, (its movements are carried out in real time, unlike the step by step motions control dedicated to animation images by images... )
The software and mechanical devices of the Elicon, are regularly updated, and improved, thanks to a close cooperation with the researchers in robotics of theCNRS.
In January 2004, thanks to the main elicon software, developed by Frederic Plumet from the the CNRS , the computer graphics and programmer expert : Tengaal, developed a plug-in to to recover the movements of the Elicon in the 3D computer graphics software Cinema 4D.
Thus it is possible very easily to mix real-time video coming from the Elicon, with computer graphics.....
Here an example of composition mixing 3d computer graphics and video motion control images.

The real character is filmed with the Elicon, mixed with a 3D rib cage and spinal column.
look the movie
Quicktime Sorenson 3. 5 megaoctets.
Indicative planning of production for this sequence:
1 hours of shootings in the Elicon studio with 3 points lighting. Recording in mini-DV and Beta.
(30 minutes to make precisely this shot.)
3d Post-production
10 minutes to catch the virtual camera
5 hours of modeling and mixing the elements...
6 hours of render (10 minutes with the renderfarm)
Estimated production cost:
Woman 1/2 day = 1500 frs approximately 230 euros
A half day of Elicon studio = 10 000 frs approximately 1500 euros
One day of computer graphic designer = 3000 frs approximately 450 euros
Hiring of the Tengaal Plug-in = 1000 frs approximately 150 euros
Total = 15 500 Frs approximately 2330 euros