Child of the television, the comic strips and the science fiction,
not hesitating to claim itself inspired by Nam June Paik, Giger, Druillet, Moebius, Philip K.Dick, or Marshall Mc Luhan, Yann Minh belong to the firsts frenchs artists who builds immersive multimedia installations.

Rewarded in several international video-art festivals, his most famous work is MÉDIA øøø
Visionary metaphor of our dependence on the medias, Média øøø illustrates the history of a young woman deadened in a cybernetic fleshfly, controlling the totality of her mental and biological functions.

Presented to the Museum of modern art of the center George Pompidou in Paris in1983, in the vein of the overlapping worlds of Philip K.Dick, and heralding the cyberworlds of William Gibson, the installation immersed the witness in a obscure laboratory bathed by ultraviolet light. The installation was organised around an hyperrealist sculpture, of a young woman, transformed into a biomecanism

Belonging to the first generation of students from the
video section of Arts Décos in Paris, Yann Minh will participate to the creation in 1984, of the group of "vidéastes" and musicians: "Les Maîtres du Monde" , which was composed by a great number of realizers now famous in the french cyberculture.

Impassioned by new technologies, Yann Minh carried out complex
video installations for scenographers like Bernard Szajner or
François Confino. Most impressive was "La Machine Qui Fabrique Tout" of the "EMBALLAGES" Exhibition at the museum of the cité des Sciences et de l'industrie. Monster of 10 tons imagined by the scenographer Gerard Cholot, and composed of 90 screens supplied with 20 synchronized videodisks.

From 1979 to 1990 he directed several short-films of
science fiction, broadcasted on the french TV Channel "Canal+" and in many international exhibitions of video-art.

His films, are characterized by a very sophisticated
work of integration of actors in fantastic and futuristic backgrounds,
mixing, erotism and science fiction in a gothic symbolism,
almost baroque. His last creation, is the film of video art HAIME, inspired by erotic poetries of Verlaine and Baudelaire..

In the twilight of the second millenium, after having
carried out an interactive museography and several documentary devoted to à the history of the robots , Yann Minh comes to add a new cord to his arc, with his first science-fiction novel, mixing with skill, erotism,
space-opera, Polar, heroic-fantasy and mythology: Thanatos, Les Récifs. published by Florent-Massot. (Only in French)

Since the beginning of the second millenium, Yann Minh definite himself as a Cyberpunk NooStoryteller, and, through immersives 3D video-conferences , he drive groups of noonautes in secret noospheric zones...